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Top 3 Aim Assist Magisk Module

The top 3 aim assist Magisk modules are: 1) Godspeed Fix Aim Assist, 2) Wisp Aim Booster, and 3) Godspeed Fab for no root users. These modules improve
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The top 3 aim assist Magisk modules are: 1) Godspeed Fix Aim Assist, 2) Wisp Aim Booster, and 3) Godspeed Fab for no root users. These modules improve aim accuracy and provide fixes for gyro delay and touch improvement in multiplayer shooting games.

They are designed to work seamlessly with Magisk, making installation and configuration easy for tech-savvy users. By using these modules, you can enhance your gaming experience on Android devices by ensuring precise and accurate aiming.

Godspeed Fix Aim Assist

Godspeed Fix Aim Assist is one of the top three aim assist Magisk modules available, along with Wisp Aim Booster and Godspeed Fab for No Root Users, offering precise and accurate aiming in multiplayer shooting games. These modules enhance your gaming experience by fixing aim assets, improving touch response, and reducing gyro delay.

The Godspeed Fix Aim Assist module is a powerful tool designed to improve your aiming abilities in multiplayer shooting games. Its main feature is the ability to fix aim assets, ensuring precise and accurate aiming in various gaming scenarios. Whether you're battling enemies in intense firefights or taking precise sniper shots, this module will greatly enhance your gameplay experience.


The Godspeed Fix Aim Assist module offers several key features:

  • Precise and accurate aiming in gaming scenarios
  • Fixing aim assets for improved gameplay
  • Compatibility with Magisk for easy installation and configuration


By using the Godspeed Fix Aim Assist module, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Enhanced aiming abilities in multiplayer shooting games
  • Fixing gyro delay and touch improvement

User Feedback

The Godspeed Fix Aim Assist module has received positive reviews on platforms such as YouTube and Telegram. Users have reported improved aim assets and a better overall gameplay experience.

Wisp Aim Booster

The Wisp Aim Booster is a top-rated Magisk module designed to boost aim performance in various gaming scenarios. With its advanced features and seamless integration with Magisk, this module is a must-have for gamers looking to improve their aim and precision in multiplayer shooting games.


  • Boosts aim performance in various gaming scenarios
  • Seamless integration with Magisk for easy installation

When it comes to improving aim in shooting games, the Wisp Aim Booster module excels. Its cutting-edge features are specifically designed to enhance aim accuracy and responsiveness, giving gamers a competitive edge. Whether you're playing fast-paced first-person shooters or tactical battle royale games, this module will optimize your aim performance.

Seamless integration with Magisk is another standout feature of the Wisp Aim Booster. Magisk is a popular root management tool for Android devices, and with the Wisp Aim Booster module, installation and configuration become a breeze. Just a few simple steps and you'll be ready to take your aim to the next level.


  • Improved aim and precision in multiplayer shooting games
  • Enhanced gaming experience with optimized performance

The Wisp Aim Booster module offers a host of benefits for gamers. By using this module, you can expect improved aim and precision in multiplayer shooting games. Gone are the days of missed shots and inconsistent aim. With the Wisp Aim Booster, you'll hit your targets with pinpoint accuracy, giving you a significant advantage over your opponents.

Not only does the Wisp Aim Booster improve aim, but it also enhances your overall gaming experience. By optimizing performance, this module ensures smooth gameplay, reduced lag, and improved responsiveness. You'll be able to focus on the game without any distractions, immersing yourself fully in the virtual battlefield.

User Feedback

Users who have tried the Wisp Aim Booster module have reported noticeable improvements in their aim accuracy and responsiveness. Shots that were once misses now hit their mark, leading to more successful kills and victories. The positive feedback from fellow gamers on various gaming forums and platforms further solidifies the effectiveness of this module.

Godspeed Fab For No Root Users

Improve your aiming skills and enhance your gaming experience with the Godspeed Fab for No Root Users module. This powerful Magisk module fixes aim assist and provides precise and accurate aiming in multiplayer shooting games. Say goodbye to gyro delay and touch issues with this easy-to-install and configure module.

The Godspeed Fab module is specifically designed for non-rooted users who want to improve their aim performance in gaming without the need for rooting their devices. This module offers a range of features and benefits that enhance the gameplay experience for non-rooted devices.


  1. Aim asset fixing for non-rooted users
  2. Easy installation without the need for rooting

The Godspeed Fab module provides aim asset fixing specifically for non-rooted users. This feature ensures precise and accurate aiming in various gaming scenarios, improving the overall performance of the player. Additionally, the module offers an easy installation process without the need for rooting the device. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users who may not have the technical knowledge or desire to root their devices.


  1. Improved aim performance without root access
  2. Enhanced gameplay experience for non-rooted devices

One of the main benefits of using the Godspeed Fab module is the improved aim performance it provides without the need for root access. Users can experience precise and accurate aiming in their gaming sessions, enhancing their competitive edge. Additionally, the module enhances the overall gameplay experience for non-rooted devices. With improved aim performance, players can enjoy a smoother and more immersive gaming experience.

User Feedback

The Godspeed Fab module has received positive reviews from non-rooted users. Many users have reported improved aim accuracy and an overall enhanced gaming experience after installing and using the module. The aim asset fixing feature has been especially praised for its effectiveness in various multiplayer shooting games. Non-rooted users who have installed the Godspeed Fab module can enjoy a more competitive and enjoyable gaming experience.

Frequently Asked Questions On Top 3 Aim Assist Magisk Module 1.godspeed Fix Aim Assist 2.wisp Aim Booster 3.godspeed Fab For No Root Users

What Is The Magisk Module To Improve Performance?

The Magisk module to improve performance is the Speed Game Magisk Module. It optimizes GPU and CPU settings to enhance speed and responsiveness for gamers, maximizing efficiency for a better gaming experience on Android devices.

What Is The Speed Game Magisk Module?

The Speed Game Magisk Module is a powerful tool that enhances gaming performance on Android devices. It optimizes both GPU and CPU settings, ensuring maximum speed and responsiveness for gamers.

What Is The Main Feature Of The Godspeed Fix Aim Assist Magisk Module?

The main feature of this module is its ability to fix aim assets, ensuring precise and accurate aiming in various gaming scenarios.

How Does The Wisp Aim Booster Magisk Module Improve Gameplay?

The Wisp Aim Booster Magisk Module improves gameplay by fixing gyro delay and touch improvement, enhancing your aim asset on any multiplayer shooting game.


To enhance your gaming experience and improve your aim in multiplayer shooting games, look no further than these top three aim assist Magisk modules. The Godspeed Fix Aim Assist, Wisp Aim Booster, and Godspeed Fab for No Root Users are powerful tools designed to fix aim assets, reduce gyro delay, and improve touch response.

These modules seamlessly integrate with Magisk, making installation and setup a breeze for tech-savvy users. With their ability to optimize graphics, CPU performance, and battery life, these modules will undoubtedly take your gaming skills to the next level. Don't wait any longer, try them out now!

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